- Aeration system design – The uses and limitations of existing aeration systems & questions to ask when purchasing or retrofitting. Ben White (GRDC Grain Storage Extension Team)
- Grain type & fan performance
- Fan performance & motor limitations
- Airflow
- Cooling results & air flow rates.
- Venting after fumigation – research comparing trial results with label directions & buyer needs. Manoj Nayak (DAF Qld)
- Vent time
- Measuring gas clearance
- Planning fumigations.
- Fumigating & venting grain bags after phosphine or sulfuryl fluoride – market drivers for fumigation, passive venting & planning equipment & time. Mark Earles (GRDC Grain Storage Extension Team)
- Insect resistance to fumigants – recent trends and guidance for management. David Cousins (DPIRD)
- Grain protectants available for use in WA – uses & cautions. Ben White (GRDC Grain Storage Extension Team)
- Q & A. Chris Warrick (GRDC Stored Grain Extension team leader).
The GRDC grain storage extension team along with entomologists from QDAF and DPIRD provide an update on the latest research in grain storage for the western grains region